Friday, January 9, 2009

The Venr. Ajahn Chah

Here we would like to present you with some of the short sayings of this great meditation teacher, one of the greatest of our time.




Your practice is like raising a duck. Your duty is to feed it and give it water. If it grows fast or slow is the duck’s business, not yours. Let it go and just do your own work. Your business is to practice. If it’s fast or slow, just know it. Don’t try to force it. This kind of practice has a good foundation.


We don’t want desire, but if there is no desire why practice? We must have desire to practice. Wanting and not – wanting are both defilements, both are problems, delusions, lacking wisdom. The Buddha had desires too. It’s there all the time, only a condition of the mind. Those with wisdom, however, have desire but no attachment. Our desires are like catching a big fish in a net – we must wait until the fish loses strength and then we can catch it easily. But all the time we keep on watching it so that it doesn’t escape.


All my disciples are like my children. I have only loving – kindness and their welfare in mind. If I appear to make you suffer, it is for your own good. I know some of you are well – educated and very knowledgeable. People with little education and worldly knowledge can practice easily. But people with a lot of knowledge are like someone who has a very large house to clean. They have a lot to do. But when the house is cleaned, they will have a big comfortable living space. Be patient. Patience and endurance are essential in our practice.

The tree in a forest.

People have asked about my practice.
Howe do I prepare my mind for meditation?
There is nothing special.
I just keep it where it always is.
They ask, “Then you are an Arahant?”
Do I know?
I’m like a tree in a forest, full of leaves, blossoms and fruit.
Birds come to eat and nest, and animals seek rest in its shade.
Yet the tree does not know itself.
It follows its own nature.
It is as it is !

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